Impromptu Run Form

The Code 404 Concessional Licensing system allows for Impromptu Runs to be undertaken by members using their cars. This is separate from club runs or maintenance drives. It is only applicable for cars registered with Code 404 Concessional Licensing.

Impromptu runs are a one-day event, meaning the run must commence and end on the same day. It is not in the spirit of the term Impromptu Run to have consecutive day runs and this is not permitted. An Impromptu Run is not a club event and therefore must be recorded as an Impromptu Run. Applicable for single car or multiple car runs. The club must retain Run Log details for a period of two years.

Please use the form below for your Code 404 impromptu run to the club so it is recorded as required by the Department of Transport. This must be done before you undertake your drive. Address details can be just a suburb. The details are as required by the Department of Transport and the police.